Defector group sends plastics bottles with rice to North Korea

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Defector group sends plastics bottles with rice to North Korea

A group of North Korean defectors said Sunday that it has sent 200 plastic bottles containing rice across the border, heightening concerns that Pyongyang may resume sending balloons filled with trash in retaliation.
Keunsaem, the organization behind the effort, said the bottles also contained U.S. dollar bills and USBs. The bottles were sent from the western border island of Ganghwa on Saturday morning.
The organization has regularly sent these bottles every month. On June 7, around 500 plastic bottles were released.
On Thursday night, another defectors' group sent 20 balloons carrying approximately 300,000 leaflets, U.S. dollars and USB sticks containing a popular K-drama and songs across the border from the border city of Paju.
On Friday, Kim Yo-jong, the influential sister of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, hinted at launching more trash-carrying balloons into South Korea. She condemned "human scum" for sending what she described as "dirty wastepaper and things."
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