Unification Ministry confirming report that North Korean defectors arrested in China while trying to escape to South

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Unification Ministry confirming report that North Korean defectors arrested in China while trying to escape to South

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Members of a civic group hold a rally and press conference in front of the Chinese Embassy in Jung District, central Seoul, on Aug. 5. [YONHAP]

Members of a civic group hold a rally and press conference in front of the Chinese Embassy in Jung District, central Seoul, on Aug. 5. [YONHAP]

The Unification Ministry announced Tuesday that it is currently verifying a civic group’s claim that 15 North Korean defectors were arrested and detained in China is true.
American media outlet Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported earlier Tuesday that 15 North Korean defectors who were trying to travel to South Korea were arrested by Chinese police in Kunming, Yunnan Province, bordering Southeast Asia, and detained in Jilin Province. RFA quoted Jang Se-yul, the head of the civic group Gyereol Unification Solidarity.
A ministry official met with reporters at the government complex in Seoul the same day and said that the ministry was in contact with Gyereol Unification Solidarity to confirm the facts.
“We reiterate that the South Korean government’s position is that under no circumstances should North Korean defectors residing overseas be forcibly repatriated against their will,” the Unification Ministry official said.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]
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