Coway’s ice water purifier aims to freeze out rivals with its cool features

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Coway’s ice water purifier aims to freeze out rivals with its cool features

The Coway Icon Ice Water Purifier [COWAY]

The Coway Icon Ice Water Purifier [COWAY]

Ice-making water purifiers were first introduced to Korea in 2003 — more than 20 years ago. Early models, with their unsophisticated designs, loud operation, limited ice production and high prices, received an underwhelming response.

However, the market for ice-making water purifiers has grown significantly, influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, which popularized the “at-home cafe” trend, and consumer dissatisfaction with refrigerated ice, which is more vulnerable to unwanted odors and germs. This year has seen record-breaking heat waves and a prolonged summer, positioning ice-making water purifiers among essential home appliances in Korean households.
A forerunner in Korea’s ice-making water purifier trend is Coway’s “2024 Model Icon Ice Water Purifier,” released this May. Following the product’s launch, Coway’s ice-making water purifier sales from May to August increased by 35 percent compared to the previous year.
The popularity of the Icon Ice Water Purifier is attributed to its ability to address the many inconveniences found in earlier models. This product leads Korea’s ice-making water purifier market with its compact and chic design, abundant and fresh ice production and other convenient features.
A consumer Focus Group Interview (FGI) conducted by Coway revealed that consumers felt “ice-making water purifiers on the market run out of ice after only a few cubes.” With this feedback, Coway developed its patented “dual fast” ice-making technology, drastically improving ice-making efficiency. With this technology, the amount of ice an average ice-making water purifier can generate in 20 minutes can now be achieved in just 12 minutes.
Faster ice production means a greater capacity. Approximately 600 cubes of ice, around five kilograms (11 pounds), can be produced daily — equivalent to two bags of commercially available bulk ice — and is sufficient for even the hottest summers.
Faster ice production also leads to reduced energy consumption, maximizing energy efficiency. Coway has achieved this by optimizing the refrigerant flow of the ice evaporator, a key component in ice makers. The Icon Ice Water Purifier has received an energy consumption efficiency grade of 1, the highest possible grade, without compromising its powerful ice-making functions.
Coway also focused on another finding from the FGI — consumers felt that the large size of ice-making water purifiers was too burdensome. To address this, Coway unveiled an ultra-compact model to attract consumers. Despite the reduced size, the ice tank capacity was increased to 0.74 kg for ample ice availability.
The Icon Ice Water Purifier can also dispense water at temperatures ranging from 45 to 100 degrees Celsius (113 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit), which can be useful for those needing warm or hot water.
“The Icon Ice Water Purifier is an innovative product that fits Coway’s reputation as a pioneer in the Korean water purifier market, developed through extensive trials and preparation,” a Coway associate said. “We will continue to focus on developing water purifier products and services by integrating our leading technological capabilities and know-how.”

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