One Hundred vows to take legal action against defamatory posts about artists

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One Hundred vows to take legal action against defamatory posts about artists

Rapper MC Mong, one of the cofounders of One Hundred [ONE HUNDRED]

Rapper MC Mong, one of the cofounders of One Hundred [ONE HUNDRED]

Entertainment management company One Hundred is set to pursue legal action against individuals spreading false rumors about its artists online.
"We have recently confirmed that the continuous spread of false information, rumors and malicious attacks on our label's artists on various online forums is severely damaging their image, reputation and personal dignity," the company said Tuesday in a press release.
"We have recognized the seriousness of these acts through thorough monitoring and intend to respond strongly based on the problematic evidence collected," said the agency.
"In particular, we will pursue all legal measures against not only the original authors of the defamatory posts about our label's artists but also those who organize their distribution," said One Hundred. "We want to make it clear that there will be no leniency or settlements in this process."
One Hundred was founded by rapper MC Mong and construction company p_Arc chairman Cha Ga-won. The company houses subsidiary labels like Big Planet Made, which represents girl groups Viviz and Badvillain, rapper BE’O and singer Lee Seung-gi. Another subsidiary, INB100, manages EXO members Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin
To find out more about them, visit Celeb Confirmed!

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