Israeli embassy hosts exhibit dedicated to plight of hostages in Gaza

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Israeli embassy hosts exhibit dedicated to plight of hostages in Gaza

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Israeli Ambassador Akiva Tor and other attendees pose for a photo during the opening ceremony of the ″Captives of Hope″ exhibition for Israeli hostages in Gaza at the Eun Gallery in Insa-dong, Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [EMBASSY OF ISRAEL]

Israeli Ambassador Akiva Tor and other attendees pose for a photo during the opening ceremony of the ″Captives of Hope″ exhibition for Israeli hostages in Gaza at the Eun Gallery in Insa-dong, Jongno District, central Seoul, on Wednesday. [EMBASSY OF ISRAEL]

Dignitaries and artists gathered on Wednesday for the opening ceremony of an art exhibition hosted by the Israeli Embassy, "Captives of Hope," dedicated to the hostages still held in Gaza.
The ambassadors of Israel, the United States, Czechia, Luxembourg, Austria, Ireland and others attended the exhibition's opening. John Linton, a People Power Party lawmaker, and Rhee Dong-yeol, ambassador for international security affairs at the Foreign Ministry, were also in attendance.

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"This art does not signify revenge or a lack of awareness for the plight of Gaza or the suffering of many Gazans in this terrible war," said Akiva Tor, ambassador of Israel to Seoul, in his opening remarks during the ceremony. "This art signifies harsh reality — the plight of the people who were murdered and wounded and raped on the Gaza border going about their lives without malice, and the plight of the hostages, the captives who have disappeared from the first moment of this conflict on Oct. 7."
"Each artist’s depiction attempts to give voice to those whose voice is not heard — the voices of the hostages, which is suppressed in tunnels beneath Gaza and in hidden rooms for 264 days," said Naomi Tor, the ambassador's wife and one of the 19 artists whose work is featured in the "Captives of Hope" exhibition.
The “Captives of Hope” exhibition runs until July 1 and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free. 
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