Heads of Naver, Nvidia discuss Sovereign AI

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Heads of Naver, Nvidia discuss Sovereign AI

Naver founder Lee Hae-jin, far left, and CEO Choi Soo-yeon, far right, poses with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang at Nvidia’s headquarters in California on Tuesday. [NAVER]

Naver founder Lee Hae-jin, far left, and CEO Choi Soo-yeon, far right, poses with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang at Nvidia’s headquarters in California on Tuesday. [NAVER]

Naver founder Lee Hae-jin, far left, and CEO Choi Soo-yeon, far right, pose with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang at Nvidia’s headquarters in California on Tuesday.
The heads of two companies met to discuss the importance of Sovereign AI, referring to a nation’s capabilities to produce AI using its own infrastructure and resources, as well as the establishment of AI models tailored to each country’s culture and language.
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