Hyundai donates hydrogen fuel-cell rest bus to Jeju Fire Station

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Hyundai donates hydrogen fuel-cell rest bus to Jeju Fire Station

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Euisun Chung, left, and Nam Hwa-young, the commissioner General of National Fire Agency, pose in a hydrogen fuel-cell electric bus that the automaker donated to the Jeju Fire Station on Thursday. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Euisun Chung, left, and Nam Hwa-young, the commissioner General of National Fire Agency, pose in a hydrogen fuel-cell electric bus that the automaker donated to the Jeju Fire Station on Thursday. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Hyundai Motor donated a hydrogen fuel-cell electric bus to the Jeju Fire Station on Thursday, equipped with rest-facilitating furnishings to offer firefighters respite at disaster scenes.
With the donation, a total of eight of these specially-made vehicles worth 6.6 billion won ($4.8 million) have been given to fire stations nationwide.
The donation ceremony was attended by Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Euisun Chung, CEO Chang Jae-hoon, Commissioner General of National Fire Agency Nam Hwa-young, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vice Chairman Park Il-joon and 30 firefighters on Jeju Island on Thursday.
“I have great respect for firefighters who jump into the fray without hesitation to protect lives,” Chung said at the ceremony on Thursday. “Hyundai Motor has carefully deliberated on the role that it should play as a mobility company to ensure the safety of firefighters, and we have reflected the voices of firefighters with vehicles tailored to their needs.”
Jeju’s vehicle is the first hydrogen fuel cell bus donated as part of this initiative, in line with the island's vision of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035. The eco-friendly bus was also considered ideal for serving as a field command center, given Jeju’s distinctive natural environment. Firefighters in Jeju require long standby periods for marine rescue and relief efforts during heavy rains and typhoons, rather than suppressing large wildfires.
Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Euisun Chung, far right, shake hands with firefighters from the Jeju Fire Station on Thursday. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Euisun Chung, far right, shake hands with firefighters from the Jeju Fire Station on Thursday. [HYUNDAI MOTOR]

“Jeju has a strong interest in hydrogen and clean energy, making it a very suitable location [to donate the hydrogen electric vehicle],” Chung added. “By operating these buses, we gain valuable know-how that allows us to support other areas as well. We plan to increase our support and expand projects so that hydrogen can become the main energy source in Jeju in the future.”

Others buses were delivered to Gangwon, North Gyeongsang, Incheon, North Jeolla, Ulsan and South Chungcheong last year. The automaker plans to donate additional vehicles to Daegu and North Chungcheong as well.
The vehicle is based on the frame of Hyundai Motor’s mobile office but features customized designs that reflect the needs of front line firefighters, incorporating specifications conveyed by fire departments.

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