LG opens pop-up store for lifestyle brand Lifezip in Seongsu-dong neighborhood

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LG opens pop-up store for lifestyle brand Lifezip in Seongsu-dong neighborhood

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LG Electronics holds a pop-up store for its home lifestyle community brand Lifezip at Seongsu-dong in eastern Seoul on July 6. In this six-story building, LG Electronics showcases its array of home appliances such as StandbyMe TV and ShoeCase as well as other lifestyle content in partnership with Minumsa, Shinsegae Department Store and Hyundai Green Food.

LG Electronics holds a pop-up store for its home lifestyle community brand Lifezip at Seongsu-dong in eastern Seoul on July 6. In this six-story building, LG Electronics showcases its array of home appliances such as StandbyMe TV and ShoeCase as well as other lifestyle content in partnership with Minumsa, Shinsegae Department Store and Hyundai Green Food.

BY JIN EUN-SOO [jin.eunsoo@joongang.co.kr]
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