New direct routes open between Korea's regional airports, Manila

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New direct routes open between Korea's regional airports, Manila

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Philippine tourists arrive at Yangyang International Airport on a charter flight from Manila on Dec. 18. [NEWS1]

Philippine tourists arrive at Yangyang International Airport on a charter flight from Manila on Dec. 18. [NEWS1]

New direct air routes have opened between Korea's regional airports and Manila, Philippines.
The Philippines agreed to lift the limits on flights between Korean regional airports, excluding Incheon International Airport, to its capital city during the two nations' aviation talks held in Manila from July 3 to 4, according to Korea's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced Monday.
Previously, the Korea-Manila route was restricted to 20,000 seats per week.
Following the recent discussions, national airlines from both countries can now operate flights from regional airports without restrictions on the number of flights.
In addition, passenger transport rights for the Incheon-Manila route will be expanded from 20,000 seats to 30,000 seats per week.
The Korean Transport Ministry anticipates this development will make the Philippines more accessible for travelers and businesspeople.
"There is a steady demand for the Manila route, which will aid Korean businesses in expanding into the Philippines," said Kim Yeong-kook, director of Aviation Policy at the ministry. "We will continue to strive to improve convenience for international air travelers."

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