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Three white-naped cranes are seen on agricultural land near a reservoir in Cheorwon County in Gangwon on Sunday. The endangered species usually visit Korea during winter, according to the Korea Heritage Service. There are 4,500 to 5,000 remaining worldwide. [YONHAP]

Three white-naped cranes are seen on agricultural land near a reservoir in Cheorwon County in Gangwon on Sunday. The endangered species usually visit Korea during winter, according to the Korea Heritage Service. There are 4,500 to 5,000 remaining worldwide. [YONHAP]

Three white-naped cranes are seen on agricultural land near a reservoir in Cheorwon County in Gangwon on Sunday. The endangered species usually visit Korea during winter, according to the Korea Heritage Service. There are 4,500 to 5,000 remaining worldwide.  
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