Osong flood victims' families demand punishment of senior officials as anniversary march begins

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Osong flood victims' families demand punishment of senior officials as anniversary march begins

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Families of the victims of the Osong flood disaster, survivors and residents demand the punishment of senior officials responsible for the tragedy during a press conference held at the Gungpyeong 2 underpass in Osong-eup, Cheongju, North Chungcheong on Monday, a week before the first anniversary of the incident. The flood on July 15, 2023, claimed 14 lives. [YONHAP]

Families of the victims of the Osong flood disaster, survivors and residents demand the punishment of senior officials responsible for the tragedy during a press conference held at the Gungpyeong 2 underpass in Osong-eup, Cheongju, North Chungcheong on Monday, a week before the first anniversary of the incident. The flood on July 15, 2023, claimed 14 lives. [YONHAP]

Bereaved families of victims of last year's Osong flood disaster called for the punishment of senior officials responsible as they began a march on Monday to commemorate the anniversary of the tragedy.  
The four-day march started with family members and residents holding a press conference at the Gungpyeong 2 underpass in Osong-eup, Cheongju, North Chungcheong, wearing green ribbons symbolizing the incident. They asked for a probe into the disaster and the punishment of senior officials responsible for the tragedy.

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“We have asked for a probe and preventive measures over the past year since the tragedy, but the government did not respond well,” said a representative of a civic committee.
The flood on July 15 last year claimed 14 lives after a temporary sand levee broke on the nearby Miho River, which had swollen due to heavy rains. 
A family member who lost her mother in the flood stressed that the disaster was proved to be a man-made tragedy caused by poor management systems as well as unavoidable natural factors, according to investigations done by civic groups.  
“The Osong disaster is a man-made disaster, a government-caused disaster and a major accident, but North Chungcheong Gov. Kim Young-hwan and Cheongju Mayor Lee Beom-seok refuse to acknowledge their responsibility,” the family member said.
"We are demanding that senior officials be punished under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act because we hope such social disasters will never happen again." 
Prosecutors summoned Gov. Kim for alleged involvement in the disaster in May. Mayor Lee was also summoned in April. 
On June 19, seven public officials at the North Chungcheong provincial government and three officials from the Cheongju city government were indicted for allegedly failing to respond to the tragedy.
Another participant at the press conference criticized local authorities for their actions over the past year, arguing that the underpass, which was set to reopen, was not ready.  
“The interior wall of the tunnel is damaged and water is leaking,” a participant said. “Handrails were also installed too high for small children to reach.”
The tunnel, closed since the tragedy, was refurbished and set to reopen late last month. However, the reopening was postponed following requests from victims’ families and civic groups for a more thorough inspection.
On Monday, the participants, including 50 residents, marched 7.6 kilometers (4.7 miles) in the rain. Civic groups hosting the commemoration event expect around 200 residents to join the four-day march.  
A rally demanding a probe and the punishment of officials responsible for the tragedy will be held in front of the North Chungcheong provincial government building after the march concludes on Thursday.
On July 15, the anniversary of the disaster, a memorial event to remember the victims will be held at the underpass.

BY CHO JUNG-WOO,CHOI JONG-KWON [cho.jungwoo1@joongang.co.kr]
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