North sends more trash-laden balloons toward South in eighth round of launches: JCS

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North sends more trash-laden balloons toward South in eighth round of launches: JCS

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A firefighter clears a waste balloon that fell on the roof of a villa in Hakik-dong, Incheon, on June 9. [NEWS1]

A firefighter clears a waste balloon that fell on the roof of a villa in Hakik-dong, Incheon, on June 9. [NEWS1]

North Korea resumed launching trash-laden balloons toward South Korea in its eighth round of such launches this year, Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said Thursday.
The JCS said that the balloons appear to be traveling toward the northern part of Gyeonggi, advising the public not to touch the fallen balloons and to report them to the military or police.
Pyongyang previously sent a total of around 2,000 waste balloons in seven rounds between May 28 and June 26 in response to the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets by defector groups and activists in South Korea.

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