North sends more trash balloons to South, possibly toward Gyeonggi: JCS

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North sends more trash balloons to South, possibly toward Gyeonggi: JCS

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Military personnel conduct a pratice operation in response to waste balloons near Incheon Port on Aug. 21. [YONHAP]

Military personnel conduct a pratice operation in response to waste balloons near Incheon Port on Aug. 21. [YONHAP]

North Korea launched another round of trash-laden balloons across the border late Wednesday evening.

Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) announced Wednesday evening that North Korea had once again launched objects presumed to be waste balloons towards South Korea.


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“Depending on the wind direction, there is a possibility that the balloons will move to the northern part of Gyeonggi,” the JCS said. “We advise people to be careful of falling material, and to report any balloons to the nearest military unit or police and refrain from touching them.”

This marks the most recent launch of trash balloons by North Korea since Pyongyang sent the last rounds on Aug. 10. At the time, out of approximately 240 balloons identified, only 10 fell on South Korean soil.


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