Merger disputes threaten Glocal University 30 project coalition

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Merger disputes threaten Glocal University 30 project coalition

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Presidents of Chungnam National University and Hanbat National University shake hands during a meeting to discuss the two universities' merger in 2022. [CHUNGNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY]

Presidents of Chungnam National University and Hanbat National University shake hands during a meeting to discuss the two universities' merger in 2022. [CHUNGNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY]

The multibillion-won Glocal University 30 project presents a crucial funding opportunity for universities, but one coalition is on the brink of collapse as they attempt to finalize merger plans.
Chungnam National University and Hanbat National University applied for the Glocal University 30 project as a coalition, with the condition of merging. They were successfully shortlisted for the funding, but the coalition has been falling apart.
Hanbat National University did not submit the list of representatives required for an interview with the National Research Foundation of Korea, according to Chungnam National University on Monday.
The deadline for submitting the interviewee list was 4 p.m. Monday.  
Under the Glocal University 30 project, selected universities receive government funding of 100 billion won ($73 million) over the next five years. Universities can apply individually, as a coalition that will merge or as a coalition that will create a joint decision-making body.
Hanbat National University also sent a document requesting that Chungnam National University withdraw the submission of the group’s final action plan, which was due to the Ministry of Education by July 26.
Despite Hanbat National University not submitting its interviewee list and trying to opt out, Chungnam National University is attempting to proceed. The university has submitted its interviewee list, consisting of representatives from both the university and Daejeon city. It will continue discussions with Hanbat National University up until the scheduled interview on Aug. 21.  
The breakdown in negotiations stems from disagreements over key merger issues, such as changes to existing majors and academic structures. The submitted action plan included unresolved agendas. 
“Agendas such as the new campus plan and the integration of similar majors were points of contention that the universities could not agree on, even as the action plan deadline approached,” said Chungnam National University's student council in a statement. “Around 10 minutes before the submission deadline at 5 p.m., the two universities decided to submit the action plan and then resolve their disagreements.”
“However, even after submitting the action plan, the universities could not reach a conclusion on their disagreements, leading to a breakdown in negotiations.”  
Chungnam National University's student council is requesting a clear statement from the university on whether it will proceed with the Glocal University 30 project on the condition of a merger, with a decision expected in a meeting later this week.
Hanbat National University's student council has also expressed concerns about the action plan, citing its submission without final agreement and a lack of communication with students regarding the unresolved issues.  
The challenges faced by these universities are not unique. Chungbuk National University and Korea National University of Transportation, selected for last year’s funding as a merging coalition, were able to submit their merger plans to the Education Ministry in June, aiming to launch the merged university in March 2027. However, details on the restructuring of academic programs were missing and the universities are currently meeting with faculty and students to finalize their plans. 
With 25 similar curricula across 25 majors, the universities must decide how to consolidate them and determine the campuses where students will be based.
Three other coalitions selected for last year’s funding — Pusan National University and Busan National University of Education; Kangwon National University and Gangneung-Wonju National University; and Andong National University and Gyeongbuk Provincial College — have submitted their merger plans with specific details about their academic programs.
This year, 20 teams are shortlisted for the Glocal University 30 funding, with the Ministry of Education aiming to select the final 10 by the end of August.  

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