Hancom Academy introduces smart class service to teach Korean in Uzbekistan

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Hancom Academy introduces smart class service to teach Korean in Uzbekistan

A Korean class in Uzbekistan [HANCOM ACADEMY]

A Korean class in Uzbekistan [HANCOM ACADEMY]

Hancom Academy will introduce its smart class service to schools in Uzbekistan to teach Korean, the academy announced Tuesday. 
The smart class is an educational service accessible through the academy’s online platform. A Korean teacher will instruct 1,600 students across 41 schools in Uzbekistan using the service.

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The project aims not only to teach foreign students the Korean language, but also to offer insights into Korean culture and IT by combining technology with educational content, according to Hancom Academy, a subsidiary of Hancom.  
Lee Kwang-heon, head of Hancom Academy, described the project as a temporary bridge to promote cultural and language exchanges between Korea and Uzbekistan.
“We strive to lay a crucial foundation for future generations to grow into global talents, going beyond mere education,” Lee said.   
Hancom Academy plans to expand its smart class service to cover all regions of Uzbekistan and extend similar services to other Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

BY WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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