Korea University announces globalization efforts with real-time translation in classrooms

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Korea University announces globalization efforts with real-time translation in classrooms

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Korea University President Kim Dong-one announces plans to make the university campus more global at an event at the university's campus in Seongbuk District, northern Seoul, on Tuesday. [KOREA UNIVERSITY]

Korea University President Kim Dong-one announces plans to make the university campus more global at an event at the university's campus in Seongbuk District, northern Seoul, on Tuesday. [KOREA UNIVERSITY]

Korea University announced plans to globalize its campus, including introducing real-time translation features in classrooms and making it easier for international students to access information.
"Through today’s declaration ceremony, Korea University will take a powerful leap forward," said Korea University President Kim Dong-one during the event on Tuesday. "We aim to create a better Korea University for everyone."
Starting in the spring semester of 2025, Korea University plans to offer real-time translations of Korean lectures into multiple languages on a trial basis. The translated text will appear like movie subtitles alongside the lecture.
University announcements will soon be available in both Korean and English, ensuring international students and faculty can easily access information. Although Kupid, the university's portal, has been available in both English and Korean since 2007, most announcements have previously been in Korean. 
In preparation, university staff participated in workshops in July to learn how to use AI translation tools.
Korea University also aims to encourage more international students to join student clubs, working with its student council and club association to create an English guidebook for the available clubs.  
Additionally, the university plans to introduce a halal food menu to its 1,000-won ($0.70) breakfast program and build more prayer rooms for Muslim students.
Apart from student support, Korea University is also looking to increase its international faculty.  
Currently, the university employs 83 full-time foreign faculty members. It plans to raise that number to 146 by 2030, which would mean 10 percent of its faculty will be international.
The university intends to increase hiring in fields such as technology and other high-demand areas, securing funding through corporate donations and other methods.
"I'm looking forward to seeing how the campus will evolve after this declaration ceremony, and I hope it becomes a place where all students can actively engage," said Mahuwi Emerson Faustine, a student who attended the event.  

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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