Operator of 'Ttareungi' biker Instagram arrested, apologizes for 'reckless behavior'

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Operator of 'Ttareungi' biker Instagram arrested, apologizes for 'reckless behavior'

Police officers monitor the area around Seongsu Station in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul, following an announcement by a group of outlaw public bicycle riders known as ″Bicycle Crash." [YONHAP]

Police officers monitor the area around Seongsu Station in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul, following an announcement by a group of outlaw public bicycle riders known as ″Bicycle Crash." [YONHAP]

The operator of a nefarious Instagram account known as the Association of Ttareungi Overspeeders Gang has been arrested, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency announced Thursday. The individual, identified as a high school student, has since deleted all of the account's videos and posted an apology.
The Instagram account had previously featured videos of its operator recklessly speeding through the streets of Seoul on public bicycles and electric scooters as well as ridiculing police officers — drawing widespread public backlash and ultimately mobilizing the authorities.
In the Instagram statement, the account's operator expressed regret for his wrongdoings, apologizing to the the public, police officers, and others affected by his actions. "I apologize for the inconvenience and discomfort caused by our reckless behavior and inappropriate posts," he said.

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The operator also expressed remorse for setting a poor example for younger individuals, adding, "I am deeply ashamed and regretful for influencing young people negatively. I apologize once again and emphasize that my actions are inexcusable and will bear serious consequences."
"We are witnessing a growing trend among young people in their teens and twenties who are posting videos of illegal activities, such as reckless driving, on social media to attract attention. Therefore, we will strengthen our monitoring efforts," said a police official.
Update, August 8th: Added details of the account operator's arrest.

BY YOON SEUNG-JIN [yoon.seungjin@joongang.co.kr]
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