Lotte Duty Free refurbishes Tokyo branch after eight years

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Lotte Duty Free refurbishes Tokyo branch after eight years

From left, Shin Yoo-yeol, executive director of the Future Growth Office at Lotte Corporation; Lotte Duty Free CEO Kim Ju-nam; and Lotte Holdings CEO Genichi Tamatsuka hold a ribbon-cutting at the renewal opening ceremony for Lotte Duty Free's store in Tokyo's Ginza district on Wednesday morning. [LOTTE DUTY FREE]

From left, Shin Yoo-yeol, executive director of the Future Growth Office at Lotte Corporation; Lotte Duty Free CEO Kim Ju-nam; and Lotte Holdings CEO Genichi Tamatsuka hold a ribbon-cutting at the renewal opening ceremony for Lotte Duty Free's store in Tokyo's Ginza district on Wednesday morning. [LOTTE DUTY FREE]

From left, Shin Yoo-yeol, executive director of the Future Growth Office at Lotte Corporation; Lotte Duty Free CEO Kim Ju-nam; and Lotte Holdings CEO Genichi Tamatsuka hold a ribbon-cutting at the renewal opening ceremony for Lotte Duty Free's store in Tokyo's Ginza district on Wednesday morning.
Lotte Duty Free announced Wednesday that it had refurbished and reopened its Ginza branch for the first time in eight years. The branch opened in 2016 as the first downtown duty-free store in Tokyo.
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