Chaos erupts at Korean cafe over 'one order per person' policy

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Chaos erupts at Korean cafe over 'one order per person' policy

Customers appear to spill their drinks on a table and sofa before leaving the cafe in footage aired on JTBC's "Crime Chief." [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Customers appear to spill their drinks on a table and sofa before leaving the cafe in footage aired on JTBC's "Crime Chief." [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A group of disgruntled customers confronted staff of a popular Korean cafe over its “One Order Per Person” policy.
Footage aired by JTBC's current affairs program “Crime Chief” shows five people, whom a cafe employee claimed were Chinese tourists, deliberately spilling drinks on a sofa and table while gesturing offensively at a manager who had complained about their misbehavior.
Before the events of the footage, the group had ordered two drinks and a dessert to go, but then began consuming their items on-site, according to the employee, in violation of the cafe's policy that requires all customers dining in to order at least one drink. The manager requested that the tourists order three additional drinks, but the customers refused to comply, according to the source. 
After a prolonged altercation, the customers eventually asked the manager to repackage their dessert for takeout in an apparent attempt to de-escalate the situation. After they left, however, the manager discovered that they had intentionally spilled their drinks on the furniture and stepped outside to voice further complaints, which were met with an obscene gesture.
“I learned about this situation later on,” the cafe owner said. “I am outraged that such inconsiderate behavior is even possible.”

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