T'way Air flight from Singapore to Incheon delayed due to safety inspection

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T'way Air flight from Singapore to Incheon delayed due to safety inspection

T'way Air's flight bound for Incheon from Singapore has been delayed due to a safety inspection issue involving its aircraft, the Korean budget airline said Sunday.
T'way's flight TW172 took off from Singapore's Changi Airport for Korea's Incheon International Airport at 2:15 a.m. with 285 passengers aboard, but returned to the point of departure 55 minutes later due to the aircraft's safety issues, according to company officials.
Following a check, T'way determined the aircraft, an Airbus A330-300, unfit for immediate aviation and sent a different aircraft from Korea to Changi Airport as a replacement.
The replacement flight is set to take off from Changi Airport at around 11 p.m., resulting in a delay of about 21 hours.
T'way said it offered TW172 passengers a stay at a hotel near Changi Airport and plans to give out additional compensation for the incident.
"We are sorry to cause a big inconvenience due to an unexpected safety check," an official at the airline said.
In June, the low-cost carrier was ordered to come up with measures to address repeated safety and flight delay issues by Korea's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport following a series of international flight delays.
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