Late-night buses between Incheon Airport, Seoul increased as passenger demand rises

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Late-night buses between Incheon Airport, Seoul increased as passenger demand rises

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Travelers crowd the duty-free shops at Incheon International Airport on May 6. [NEWS1]

Travelers crowd the duty-free shops at Incheon International Airport on May 6. [NEWS1]

Late-night buses between Incheon International Airport and Seoul have been increased to meet passenger demand starting Monday.
Bus No. N6701, which goes to Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in eastern Seoul, and No. N6703, which heads to Lotte World in Jamsil, southern Seoul, will operate nine times a day each, up from the previous six, according to the Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC).
Bus N6701 leaves the airport and passes through Mapo Station in western Seoul, Seoul Station in central Seoul and DDP. Bus N6703 passes through Seorae Village in Seocho District, southern Seoul, and COEX in Samseong-dong before reaching Jamsil.
With the increased schedule, five late-night buses will make 46 daily trips between Incheon International Airport and the capital. The buses operate from 10:40 p.m. to 6 a.m.
The two buses with additional schedules — N6701 and N6703 — require booking a spot through the T-money GO mobile application, while the other three buses — N6000, N6001 and N6002 — accept both cards and cash.
According to the IIAC, as of Monday, 14 late-night buses travel from Incheon International Airport, including nine that go to Gyeonggi.

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