Incheon Airport runway closes due to plane tire repair

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Incheon Airport runway closes due to plane tire repair

Pictured on the far right is Runway 3, where the accident took place. Runway 1, where the plane is currently parked, is pictured in the center. [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT]

Pictured on the far right is Runway 3, where the accident took place. Runway 1, where the plane is currently parked, is pictured in the center. [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT]

Operations were halted on one of the runways at Incheon International Airport from early Tuesday morning after a plane damaged a tire while landing, rendering it immobile.
Atlas Air cargo aircraft 5Y8692 damaged its tire while landing on Runway 1 at 7 a.m., according to airport authorities.

The carrier departed from Runway 3 earlier in the day, but returned to the airport after debris, thought to have come from the plane's tires, fell off. It also broke an aeronautical light aid on the No. 1 airstrip in the process.

The plane was parked and underwent repairs on the landing runway, delaying departures until about noon, Incheon authorities said.

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