Rear-windowless Polestar 4 seeks to power up Korea's EV market

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Rear-windowless Polestar 4 seeks to power up Korea's EV market

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Polestar Korea CEO Ham Jong-sung poses with the Polestar 4 during a media launch event in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [POLESTAR KOREA]

Polestar Korea CEO Ham Jong-sung poses with the Polestar 4 during a media launch event in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Tuesday. [POLESTAR KOREA]

The rear-windowless Polestar 4 landed in Korea on Tuesday, diving head-on to confront local consumers’ recent growing resistance to EVs.
The SUV, the fastest model in the automaker's lineup, is the second Polestar model available in Korea after the Polestar 2, which was introduced in 2022.
The extraordinary design with the absence of a rear window gives the SUV a coupe vibe and sleeker design along with the first-ever “dual blade” headlamps. A high-resolution rearview camera is placed on the roof instead.

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The Polestar 4 lacks a rear window, giving it a coupe vibe. [SARAH CHEA]

The Polestar 4 lacks a rear window, giving it a coupe vibe. [SARAH CHEA]

The Polestar 4 lacks a rear window, giving it a coupe vibe. [SARAH CHEA]

The Polestar 4 lacks a rear window, giving it a coupe vibe. [SARAH CHEA]

Powered by 100 kilowatt-hour lithium-ion batteries from China’s CATL, the Polestar 4 can run up to 620 kilometers (385 miles) per single charge based on Europe’s WLTP. It is in the process of getting certification from Korea’s Ministry of Environment.
Polestar Korea CEO Ham Jong-sung says he is “confident with the safety” when asked about local consumers’ accelerating concerns over EVs catching fire.
“No fire case has been reported for Polestar 2s, of which more than 160,000 units were sold in a total of 27 countries so far; Polestar 2s are also powered by CATL batteries,” Ham said during a media event Tuesday in Yongsan, central Seoul.
“It’s a misconception that all Chinese batteries are at risk of catching fire,” adding that "the Polestar 4 is proven with its safety.”
The interior of the Polestar 4 [POLESTAR KOREA]

The interior of the Polestar 4 [POLESTAR KOREA]

The SUV comes with a total of 11 cameras, one radar and a separate monitoring system that observes drivers’ movements to maximize safety, according to the Sweden-based auto manufacturer. Seven air bags are installed.
The Polestar 4 goes from zero to 100 kilometers per hour in 3.8 seconds, the fastest Polestar available to date, generating up to 544 horsepower.
The sticker price starts from 67 million won ($48,900) in Korea, the cheapest in the world excluding China. It is up to 30 million won cheaper than in major global markets like the United States and Europe.
The trunk capacity stands at 526 liters (139 gallons), which can be extended to 1,536 liters when folded down. A “frunk,” or a trunk in the front of a car where the engine is normally housed, can store 14 liters.
Polestar 4s will start to be manufactured in Renault Korea’s plant in Busan starting at the end of 2025.
“We are in discussions with LG Energy Solution and SK On to use Korean batteries in Polestar 4s.”
Orders began Tuesday with delivery slated for October.

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