Rapper San E apologizes after assaulting pedestrian with his phone

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Rapper San E apologizes after assaulting pedestrian with his phone

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Rapper San E on Feb. 22 [NEWS1]

Rapper San E on Feb. 22 [NEWS1]

Rapper San E apologized for assaulting a pedestrian with his phone and expressed his desire to apologize to the victim in person.
"I bow my head to the victim of my recent assault case," San E said through his legal representation at Gwangya Law Firm on Monday evening.

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"I have inevitably come to extend this apology through an official statement first, but I would like to ask for their forgiveness in person. I am sorry to everyone who has been disappointed by my actions."
The 39-year-old rapper, whose legal name is Jung San, was charged with special assault on Saturday for allegedly assaulting a pedestrian with a cell phone last month.
Jung reportedly assaulted a pedestrian after saying, “Park your bicycle properly,” at a park in Mapo District, western Seoul, on July 28. Police intervened after receiving a report at the time of the incident and sent both of the parties involved home.
Both parties have been charged with assaulting each other. The other party did not use any weapons and "their testimonies do not match," according to police.
The rapper's father has also been booked alongside his son, according to reports.
Jung made his mainstream debut in 2010 under JYP Entertainment with his first EP “Everybody Ready?” He later gained fame after appearing as a judge on the third season of the hip-hop audition show “Show Me The Money.”

BY YOON SO-YEON [yoon.soyeon@joongang.co.kr]
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