Ice cream sales on fire amid heat wave

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Ice cream sales on fire amid heat wave

Consumers look at ice cream in a supermarket in Seoul on Sunday.Consumers look at ice cream in a supermarket in Seoul on Sunday. [YONHAP]

Consumers look at ice cream in a supermarket in Seoul on Sunday.Consumers look at ice cream in a supermarket in Seoul on Sunday. [YONHAP]

Consumers look at ice cream in a supermarket in Seoul on Sunday.
Ice cream sales have gone through the roof amid a scorching heat wave this summer. Binggrae, which acquired Haitai Ice Cream in 2020, recorded its highest-ever ice cream sales from July to August, some 5 percent more than last year.
Convenience stores saw a dramatic spike in ice cream sales during the same period, with CU registering a 19.5 percent on-year increase, while sales for GS25 rose 18.4 percent, 7-Eleven 17 percent and Emart24 8 percent.
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