Pope Francis electrifies Singapore in Hyundai Ioniq 5

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Pope Francis electrifies Singapore in Hyundai Ioniq 5

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Pope Francis waves to a crowd from a Hyundai Motor Ioniq 5 EV as he heads to the National Stadium in Singapore to lead a Mass on Thursday. [AP/YONHAP]

Pope Francis waves to a crowd from a Hyundai Motor Ioniq 5 EV as he heads to the National Stadium in Singapore to lead a Mass on Thursday. [AP/YONHAP]

Pope Francis waves to a crowd from a Hyundai Motor Ioniq 5 EV as he heads to the National Stadium in Singapore to lead a Mass on Thursday.
The pope was seen using the Ioniq 5, Hyundai's first car to be built on its E-GMP EV-dedicated platform, as he attended to his schedule during his three-day visit to the country through Friday.
Pope Francis went on a 12-day tour covering four nations in Southeast Asia and Oceania — Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore — starting from Sept. 2, which marked the longest overseas trip yet since he was elected in 2013.
The fully-electric Ioniq 5 Prestige 58-kilowatt-per-hour model that the pope used in Singapore can travel up to 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) with about five minutes of charging, and takes 18 minutes to charge from 10 percent to 80 percent. The maximum range stands at around 380 kilometers.




BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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