Coca-Cola prices to jump from next month

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Coca-Cola prices to jump from next month

A customer picks out a beverage at a convenience store in Seoul on Monday. [YONHAP]

A customer picks out a beverage at a convenience store in Seoul on Monday. [YONHAP]

A customer picks out a beverage at a convenience store in Seoul on Monday.
The prices of some Coca-Cola Company products will increase from Sept. 1. The hike will apply to 350-milliliter (11.8-ounce) cans of Coca-Cola, 355-milliliter cans of Sprite and 600-milliliter bottles of Powerade Mountain Blast.
The beverage company is a subsidiariy of LG Household & Healthcare, which explained that the price increase comes on the back of rising raw material import costs and labor expenses.
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