Samsung Electronics' mismanagement caused radiation exposure: Regulator

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Samsung Electronics' mismanagement caused radiation exposure: Regulator

Samsung Electronics' Seocho office building in southern Seoul [NEWS1]

Samsung Electronics' Seocho office building in southern Seoul [NEWS1]

Korea's nuclear safety regulator said Thursday the radiation exposure of two workers at Samsung Electronics' chip plant was caused by mismanagement of safety equipment.
In late May, the two workers in the chip production line of Samsung's Giheung Campus in Yongin, Gyeonggi, experienced X-ray exposure to their hands.
Subsequently, the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) launched an investigation to determine the cause of the accident.
The workers reported swollen fingers and red spots on their hands, with radiation exposure levels of 94 sieverts and 28 sieverts, far exceeding the safety threshold of 0.5 sieverts.
The NSSC presented its findings from the monthslong investigation at its regular meeting on Thursday.
The report revealed that three out of eight safety systems at the plant were not functioning correctly due to deliberate tampering.
However, the NSSC could not determine who was responsible for the manipulation of the safety equipment or when it occurred.
As a result of the findings, the NSSC said it will impose a combined fine of 10.5 million won ($7,900) on Samsung Electronics and may request a police investigation into the mismanagement of the safety equipment.

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