Actors Ok Taec-yeon and Lee Joon-gi to appear at Studio Dragon drama festival in Japan

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Actors Ok Taec-yeon and Lee Joon-gi to appear at Studio Dragon drama festival in Japan

Poster for ″K-Drama Fest 2024 with Studio Dragon″ [STUDIO DRAGON]

Poster for ″K-Drama Fest 2024 with Studio Dragon″ [STUDIO DRAGON]

Local production house Studio Dragon will hold a K-drama festival featuring actors Ok Taec-yeon and Lee Joon-gi in Chiba, Japan, on Oct. 12, the company said Monday.  
Across two sessions at the Makuhari Messe exhibition hall, Ok and Lee will meet with the public to discuss their experiences on the Studio Dragon shows "Vincenzo" (2021) and "Flower of Evil" (2020), respectively.   

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The “K-Drama Fest 2024 with Studio Dragon” is jointly helmed by Studio Dragon and Japan's Avex Pictures following an agreement signed in May last year. The two companies previously collaborated for the Japanese musical rendition of “Vincenzo” in August 2023.  
“We plan to further expand our intellectual property business by collaborating with the agencies of actors who have appeared in our dramas, as seen in the upcoming 'K-Drama Fest 2024 with Studio Dragon,’” said Yoo Bong-yeol, the head of content intellectual property department of Studio Dragon.  
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