Kang Suk-keun crowned inaugural winner of Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award with lacquer vessel

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Kang Suk-keun crowned inaugural winner of Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award with lacquer vessel

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Kang Suk-keun poses alongside his award-winning piece, ″Language of the Earth,″ (2023) at the Seoul Museum of Craft Art in central Seoul on Monday. [SHIN MIN-HEE]

Kang Suk-keun poses alongside his award-winning piece, ″Language of the Earth,″ (2023) at the Seoul Museum of Craft Art in central Seoul on Monday. [SHIN MIN-HEE]

Monday was a special day for the local craft industry, as Kang Suk-keun became the first recipient of the Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award at the Seoul Museum of Craft Art (SeMoCA) in central Seoul.
The 54-year-old craftsperson, who won the prize with “Language of the Earth” (2023), was given a metal trophy with a sleek oval head, modeled after the image of a sprout. The trophy was designed by Seo Do-sik, a metalsmith who was a colleague of the late craftsperson Yoo Lizzy (1945-2013). Seo created the trophy by hammering silver sheets together.

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“Language of the Earth” is a reinterpretation of hamji, a traditional large wooden bowl made from carving logs. The thickness of Kang’s bowl is barely three millimeters (0.11 inches) and was made through repeating the process of otchil (lacquer-coating). He applied brass and copper powder to the bowl's surface and fired it about 15 times at a temperature of around 250 degrees Celsius (482 degrees Fahrenheit).
″Language of the Earth″ (2023) by Kang Suk-keun [SEOUL MUSEUM OF CRAFT ART]

″Language of the Earth″ (2023) by Kang Suk-keun [SEOUL MUSEUM OF CRAFT ART]

The drying process is repeated to get rid of any moisture from the wood entirely, while allowing the wood to form curves naturally. The bowl ultimately becomes a strong vessel that is completely crack resistant and can even be used to cook food in the microwave.
“My daughters cook ramyeon in it,” he told reporters during the award ceremony on Monday. “They say it’s the best ramyeon they’ve ever tasted. Why? Because my lacquer bowls are the first to withstand heat this high.”
The turquoise color of the piece resulted from the brass and copper’s natural corrosion, a hue that perfectly reflects Kang’s appreciation for the wind and the seashore.
Kang will be eligible to take part in the judging committee for the next Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award, and to participate in the Paris-based artist-in-residence Cité internationale des arts. He will also have the chance to hold a solo exhibition at the Gana Art Center in central Seoul.
SeMoCA is now displaying the works of the award's top 20 finalists, among a total of 157 submissions. These are all works by craft artists who are active in the fields of ceramics, metalwork, textiles, wood, glass, paper and more.
Installation view of the 20 finalists' exhibition for the first Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award at the Seoul Museum of Craft Art in central Seoul. [SEOUL MUSEUM OF CRAFT ART]

Installation view of the 20 finalists' exhibition for the first Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award at the Seoul Museum of Craft Art in central Seoul. [SEOUL MUSEUM OF CRAFT ART]

Yoo founded the first contemporary metal craft museum in Korea in 2004, now known as the Yoolizzy Craft Museum in Seocho District, southern Seoul. She was the eldest daughter of the late abstract painter Yoo Youngkuk (1916-2002).
Last year, Yoo’s family donated 327 of Yoo’s crafts and 900 million won ($679,000) to SeMoCA to support the operation of the Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award and to further honor the artist's legacy and accomplishments in the craft art scene. The award and exhibition will be held once every two years on even-numbered years.
The exhibition for the first Seoul Yoolizzy Craft Award continues until Oct. 3. SeMoCA is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free.

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]
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