SK Networks' car repair chain spun off as SK Speedmate in bid to boost market share, AI transition

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SK Networks' car repair chain spun off as SK Speedmate in bid to boost market share, AI transition

  • 기자 사진
Logo of SK Speedmate [SK NETWORKS]

Logo of SK Speedmate [SK NETWORKS]

SK Networks’ car repair chain was spun off as wholly owned subsidiary SK Speedmate on Sunday, in a move to increase the spinoff's market share in the automotive aftermarket service and its transition to an AI-centric business model.
SK Speedmate is an automotive maintenance brand that offers roadside assistance services, tire distribution and auto parts exports through its network of 590 repair shops.
The company plans to develop new AI-based business models, expand online-to-offline (O2O) services and develop customer-tailored hybrid shops to enhance the brand value based on its accumulated customer service data.
SK Speedmate CEO Ahn Moo-in [SK NETWORKS]

SK Speedmate CEO Ahn Moo-in [SK NETWORKS]

It will also utilize the imported car platform Huckleberry Pro to develop new business models and expand its influence in imported auto parts, distribution and car repairs.
SK Speedmate also rolled out a new late car management service titled “moonlight maintenance,” extending the service’s operating hours until 10 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for office workers who cannot service their vehicles during work hours.
“Utilizing our strong brand presence and cutting-edge technology, we aim to enhance customer satisfaction and increase our company’s value as a leading player in the automotive aftermarket by expanding data-driven operations and improving business efficiency with AI,” said SK Speedmate CEO Ahn Moo-in in a statement. 

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