Table tennis phenom Shin Yu-bin stars in Binggrae's new Banana-Flavored Milk ad

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Table tennis phenom Shin Yu-bin stars in Binggrae's new Banana-Flavored Milk ad

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Binggrae's television advertisement features national table tennis player Shin Yu-bin. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Binggrae's television advertisement features national table tennis player Shin Yu-bin. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

National table tennis player Shin Yu-bin's Binggrae Banana-Flavored Milk was released on Friday.
Binggrae signed with Shin in August, shortly after the table tennis player captured social media attention during the Paris Summer Olympics for eating bananas in between her matches.

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The TV advertisement, unveiled on YouTube last Friday, features Shin opening a fridge after training, with a torrent of Banana-Flavored Milk tumbling out.
The TV advertisement is inspired by 2004’s Banana-Flavored Milk advertisement, the same year the tennis player was born. Shin is also seen singing a version of “Mother and Mackerel,” which was featured in the 2004 ad.
Binggrae's television advertisement features table tennis national player Shin Yu-bin. [BINGGRAE]

Binggrae's television advertisement features table tennis national player Shin Yu-bin. [BINGGRAE]

At Shin's request, 100 million won ($73,731) of her appearance fee was donated to the Korea Elementary Schools Table Tennis Association to nurture the nation's future talent.
Shin won two bronze medals at the Paris Olympics.
The young athlete was also chosen as the new BHC brand ambassador of Bburinkle, as the company’s signature chicken flavor celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.
“Bburinkle is the fried chicken flavor that I most enjoy eating so I’m glad to be chosen as the brand ambassador [for the flavor],” Shin said in a press release.

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