Samsung SDS to accelerate GPU-based AI cloud development for B2B

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Samsung SDS to accelerate GPU-based AI cloud development for B2B

  • 기자 사진
Samsung SDS CEO Hwang Sung-woo speaks during his keynote speech at the company's REAL Summit 2024 held in Coex, southern Seoul, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Samsung SDS CEO Hwang Sung-woo speaks during his keynote speech at the company's REAL Summit 2024 held in Coex, southern Seoul, on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Samsung SDS will focus on accelerating the hyperautomation process for enterprises powered by a GPU-based AI cloud as the company delves into the business-to-business (B2B) market for generative AI, according to the chief of Samsung’s IT unit on Tuesday.
“The company plans to further develop the Samsung Cloud platform into a GPU-focused AI cloud by next year, making it more accessible for corporate clients,” said Samsung SDS CEO Hwang Sung-woo at his keynote speech at the company’s REAL Summit 2024 held in southern Seoul’s Coex on Tuesday.
“Generative AI is transforming computer interfaces, enabling them to operate by understanding and responding to natural language commands.”
Regarding the automation process of generative AI services, Hwang noted that currently, about 13 percent of all tasks are AI-automated globally, and are expected to increase to 25 percent by next year.
For B2B AI services, they are evolving from co-pilots to agents, and Samsung SDS plans to expand related services overseas through partnerships with global tech giants Dell, Nvidia and Microsoft.
Dell Technologies Chairman and CEO Michael Dell; Jerry Chen, Nvidia’s head of global business development for manufacturing and industrials; Microsoft Asia’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Mark Souza, Workday’s global CTO Joe Wilson and other executives of firms from around the world that are collaborating with Samsung SDS also gave keynote speeches either virtually or in person at the event.
The company released two B2B AI services, known as FabriX and Brity Copilot, in May, which are reported to be currently in use by more than 150,000 employees at 100 companies.
FabriX is a cloud service in which AI supports the compilation, sharing and searching of corporate data easily.
Brity Copilot functions as an AI agent that automates in-house communication processes and offers real-time translations.
FabriX is expected to be released in the United States and other regions overseas through Microsoft’s Azure by the next month at the earliest, according to Hwang.

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