Hanwha Seoul International Fireworks Festival to feature 'largest-ever' fireworks

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Hanwha Seoul International Fireworks Festival to feature 'largest-ever' fireworks

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Hanwha Seoul International Fireworks Festival 2023 took place at Yeouido Hangang Park in western Seoul on Oct. 7. [YONHAP]

Hanwha Seoul International Fireworks Festival 2023 took place at Yeouido Hangang Park in western Seoul on Oct. 7. [YONHAP]

Hanwha's Seoul International Fireworks Festival will take place Oct. 5 and feature the event's “largest-ever” fireworks.
Hanwha has hosted the annual event at Yeouido Hangang Park in western Seoul since 2000.
The 2024 iteration of the show, themed around the catchphrase “Light Up Your Dream,” will feature American and Japanese fireworks teams in addition to Hanwha’s performance.
The festival booth around the venue will open at 1 p.m. with the show beginning at 7 p.m. Japanese team Hibikiya Omagari Fireworks will perform a 15-minute set titled “The Hanabi” — Hanabi is Japanese for fireworks — at 7:20 p.m. The U.S.-based fireworks team Pyrospectacular will perform “California Dreaming,” themed around freedom and dreams, around 7:40 p.m. 
Hanwha’s finale show, set to start at 8 p.m., will be titled “Flashlight” and deliver a “message of hope,” according to the company. 
“Hanwha’s performance will have the largest-ever sized fireworks [by diameter], which will allow more people to watch the show from a distance,” the company said in a news release Tuesday.
The show will utilize the Wonhyo Bridge and “letter-and-number-shaped” fireworks for added storytelling.
Orange Safety, first introduced at last year's event, will continue to be the festival's official safety app. It brings improved capabilities this year, including the ability to measure and report the venue's crowd levels.
Hanwha will offer official seats, which will be distributed through raffles and sold through the ticketing platform Ticketlink. 
The fireworks festival will be livestreamed on Hanwha’s official YouTube channel, Hanwha TV.

BY CHO YONG-JUN [cho.yongjun1@joongang.co.kr]
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