2024 World Smart City Expo convenes in Kintex

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2024 World Smart City Expo convenes in Kintex

An AI-powered autonomous driving pod hits the floor at the 2024 World Smart City Expo in Kintex in Gyeonggi on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

An AI-powered autonomous driving pod hits the floor at the 2024 World Smart City Expo in Kintex in Gyeonggi on Tuesday. [YONHAP]

An AI-powered autonomous driving planter pod hits the floor at the 2024 World Smart City Expo at Kintex in Gyeonggi on Tuesday.
The eighth edition of the expo, which runs through Thursday, brings together technology and service companies with representatives from more than 200 cities around the world to share ideas to boost sustainability, from infrastructure and transport to energy and the environment. More than 200 municipal and regional governments and companies have registered for the event.
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