CU to sell MrBeast Feastables chocolate bars

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CU to sell MrBeast Feastables chocolate bars

A model displays MrBeast Feastables chocolate bars that will be sold at CU stores starting Sept. 14. [BGF RETAIL]

A model displays MrBeast Feastables chocolate bars that will be sold at CU stores starting Sept. 14. [BGF RETAIL]

A model displays MrBeast Feastables chocolate bars that will be sold at CU stores starting Sept. 14.
The convenience store chain will offer six types of bars, including original chocolate and milk chocolate. The candy has proven to be a hit abroad, with more than 1 million bars sold in the United States, Europe and Australia since 2002. CU's operating company, BGF Retail, said it seeks to expand its offerings to include overseas products in order to provide variety to its customers.
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