Spy agency monitoring signs of North Korea executing officials over flood damage

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Spy agency monitoring signs of North Korea executing officials over flood damage

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, left, inspects flooded areas in Sinuiju, a border city in North Pyongyan Province, following heavy rainfall earlier in the week in a photo carried by its official Korean Central News Agency in August. [YONHAP]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, left, inspects flooded areas in Sinuiju, a border city in North Pyongyan Province, following heavy rainfall earlier in the week in a photo carried by its official Korean Central News Agency in August. [YONHAP]

South Korea's spy agency said Wednesday it is closely monitoring signs of North Korea executing multiple officials to hold them accountable over heavy flood damage earlier this year.
At an emergency party politburo meeting in late July, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he will punish officials for the damage from heavy rains that flooded areas in the northern provinces of Jagang and North Phyongan and displaced thousands.

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The National Intelligence Service said it is closely monitoring the situation after detecting signs of the executions.
Kang Pong-hun, the former chief secretary of the Jagang Provincial Committee of the North's ruling party, is believed to be possibly among the executed officials.
Kang and other senior officials, including Public Security Minister Ri Thae-sop, were dismissed from their posts over the flood damage during the politburo meeting, according to the North's state media.
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