DP floor leader denounces first lady's investigation as 'unfair'

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DP floor leader denounces first lady's investigation as 'unfair'

Park Chan-dae, floor leader of the Democratic Party, delivers a speech during a plenary session at the National Assembly on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Park Chan-dae, floor leader of the Democratic Party, delivers a speech during a plenary session at the National Assembly on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

The floor leader of the liberal Democratic Party (DP) urged President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday to endorse a bill to investigate the first lady and the military's response to a Marine's death last year.
Rep. Park Chan-dae made the remarks during his address at the National Assembly, saying that it is "only fair and common sense to be punished if you do something wrong, even if you have power."

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"It is unfair to get impunity and privileged treatment while being questioned just because they are the spouse of the president," Park said.
First lady Kim Keon Hee has been accused of involvement in manipulating the stock prices of Deutsch Motors, a BMW car dealer in South Korea, between 2009 and 2012. She has denied the allegations.
Park called on Yoon to endorse another opposition-led bill that calls for a special counsel to look into allegations that the presidential office and the defense ministry inappropriately interfered in the Marines' investigation into Cpl. Chae Su-geun, who was killed during a search mission for victims of heavy downpours in July 2023.
Park also stressed that Kim Hyoung-suk, the new director of the Independence Hall of Korea, and Labor Minister Kim Moon-soo should be immediately dismissed, condemning them as "anti-national" officials denying Korea's identity.
Both figures recently came under fire for their previous remarks justifying Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule.
On South Korea-Japan ties, Park criticized Seoul's "submissive" diplomacy toward Japan.
"Despite Japan's blatant claims over the easternmost islets of Dokdo and their ongoing historical distortions, our government is continuing to push forward for an alliance with Japan," he said.
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