Spike in raccoon dog sightings puts Songdo residents on edge

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Spike in raccoon dog sightings puts Songdo residents on edge

A raccoon dog spotted in Songdo Central Park in July [INCHEON FACILITIES CORPORATION]

A raccoon dog spotted in Songdo Central Park in July [INCHEON FACILITIES CORPORATION]

Incheon authorities issued a warning after a series of sightings of raccoon dogs in urban parks in Songdo, urging residents not to approach the animals.  
People recently spotted raccoon dogs in Songdo Central Park, Sunrise Park and other parks in Yeonsu District, Incheon Facilities Corporation said Wednesday.  

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Incheon Facilities Corporation put up a banner at Songdo Central Park urging citizens not to feed, touch or approach the animals when they are sighted. The banner also urged pet owners to keep their pets on a leash and avoid dense shrubbery.
“There isn't much risk of urban raccoon dogs carrying rabies,” said an official from the Incheon branch of the Korean Wildlife Center. “Still, it's difficult to rule out the possibility of infection completely, so if you're bitten, it's best to get checked out by a doctor.”

"I often see raccoon dogs during my nighttime walks with my dog," a netizen residing in Songdo posted on social media. "Last night, my dog suddenly started barking. When I looked back, I saw a big raccoon dog chasing us. I picked up my dog and ran to the nearest road."
"I am worried raccoon dogs will attack my dog," the netizen added.  
Banner warning of raccoon dog sightings in Songdo Central Park [YONHAP]

Banner warning of raccoon dog sightings in Songdo Central Park [YONHAP]

This was not the first time raccoon dogs had been spotted nearby.   
A firefighter rescued a raccoon dog on Aug. 26 at 7 a.m. when a resident spotted the animal drowning in the lake in Songdo Central Park. This year, Incheon Wildlife Center nursed 25 raccoon dogs back to health after rescuing them.  
Incheon Facilities Corporation received calls on July 31 and Aug. 5 requesting the capture of raccoon dogs spotted in the same park. 
The Yeonsu District Office believes that the raccoon dogs moved into city parks and other areas as development has occurred in their traditional habitat of farmlands and forests.

"The raccoon dogs seem to be looking for food that the citizens are putting out for stray cats," said a Yeonsu District Office official. "We believe that many raccoon dogs inhabit Songdo parks because a natural ecosystem has been established without predators." 

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]
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