Seoul Metropolitan Government breaks ground on new Namsan gondola lift project

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Seoul Metropolitan Government breaks ground on new Namsan gondola lift project

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A rendered image of the gondola lift on Namsan, which are set to open to the public in spring 2026, provided by the Seoul city government on Thursday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

A rendered image of the gondola lift on Namsan, which are set to open to the public in spring 2026, provided by the Seoul city government on Thursday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

A gondola lift on Namsan in central Seoul is set to open to the public in spring 2026.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government on Thursday held a groundbreaking ceremony at Yejang Park, near Myeongdong Station, where the lower platform of the gondola lift will be constructed.

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Construction of the aerial lift system is expected to be completed by November next year. A pilot ride is planned for early 2026, with official operations beginning in the spring of the same year.
The 832-meter (2,730 feet) gondola lift will transport up to 1,600 people per hour from Namsan Yejang Park to the top of the mountain in just five minutes, according to the city government.
A total of 25 cars, each with a capacity of 10 people, will operate along the cable line. The cars are also designed to accommodate people in wheelchairs and those with strollers.
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, third from left, and officials applaud in front of the Namsan gondola cabin unveiled during the groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, third from left, and officials applaud in front of the Namsan gondola cabin unveiled during the groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

Demolition in the Yejang Park area began last month, with the main construction to begin in November. 
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, who attended the groundbreaking ceremony, pledged to minimize any inconvenience for residents in the area during the construction and eventual operation of the gondola lift. 
"The vibrancy and competitiveness of Namsan will quickly improve with the operation of the gondola lift," Oh said.
A rendered image of the gondola lift on Namsan, which are set to open to the public in spring 2026, provided by the Seoul city government on Thursday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

A rendered image of the gondola lift on Namsan, which are set to open to the public in spring 2026, provided by the Seoul city government on Thursday. [SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT]

The city government expects the gondola lift to significantly improve access to Namsan, where the summit is currently accessible only by foot, cable cars or shuttle buses after the banning of diesel tourist buses in August 2021 due to environmental concerns. 
Namsan's existing cable cars, operated by a private company since 1962, connect Hoehyeon-dong in Jung District to the mountain's summit.
The city also revealed a construction plan that minimizes environmental sustainability concerns. Of the five gondola lift pillars, only two will be located within Namsan Park's forested areas. To preserve the natural landscape, the height of these pillars will be reduced by over 15 meters (49 feet) from the initial plan to around 35 meters. The pillars will also have a circular design to minimize their footprint compared to traditional pylon structures.
To reduce the environmental impact, construction materials will be transported using temporary cableways. After the pillars are completed, the city has promised to restore any damaged areas, such as by planting new trees.

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