Man who opened door on Asiana flight ordered to pay airline 700 million won

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Man who opened door on Asiana flight ordered to pay airline 700 million won

An Asiana flight that took off from Jeju Island landed at Daegu International Airport with its door open on May 26 last year. [YONHAP]

An Asiana flight that took off from Jeju Island landed at Daegu International Airport with its door open on May 26 last year. [YONHAP]

The passenger who caused pandemonium by opening the door of an Asiana plane during landing in May last year has been ordered by a local court to pay over 700 million won ($523,930) in compensation to the airline.
The Daegu District Court ordered the then-32-year-old passenger surnamed Lee to reimburse the airline 727 million won on Thursday for destruction and damage to property. Lee’s actions caused the emergency escape slide to detach from the plane. 

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The incident occurred on May 26, 2023, on an Asiana Airlines A321-200 plane en route from Jeju to Daegu. The aircraft had 194 passengers on board, including Lee. Just before landing, Lee opened the emergency exit door when the plane was approximately 213 meters (698 feet) above ground.  

Subsequently, 12 passengers experienced breathing difficulties and were taken to the hospital.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport estimated 640 million won in damages at the time of the incident.  
Police officials escort a man who opened an emergency exit door mid-flight on an Asiana Airlines plane to his warrant hearing at the Daegu District Court on May 28 last year. [NEWS1]

Police officials escort a man who opened an emergency exit door mid-flight on an Asiana Airlines plane to his warrant hearing at the Daegu District Court on May 28 last year. [NEWS1]

Two days after the incident, a court approved an arrest warrant for Lee. Lee was subsequently tried for violating the Aviation Security Act.

The prosecution sought a six-year sentence during Lee's first trial in October last year. The court eventually handed him a three-year sentence, suspended for five years, citing Lee's feeblemindedness.  
The prosecution appealed the case. They also additionally charged Lee for causing injury to 15 other passengers in March, stating the passengers were traumatized.

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