'Lobster Wonderland' opens with a splash for Lotte World Mall's 10th-annivesary celebrations

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'Lobster Wonderland' opens with a splash for Lotte World Mall's 10th-annivesary celebrations

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London-based Scottish artist Philip Colbert takes a photo in front of his lobster inflatable in Seokchon Lake in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Friday. The installation piece is part of the ″Lobster Wonderland″ exhibition held in celebration of Lotte World Mall's 10th year anniversary of opening. [YONHAP]

London-based Scottish artist Philip Colbert takes a photo in front of his lobster inflatable in Seokchon Lake in Songpa District, southern Seoul, on Friday. The installation piece is part of the ″Lobster Wonderland″ exhibition held in celebration of Lotte World Mall's 10th year anniversary of opening. [YONHAP]

A giant lobster has splashed into Seokchon Lake, a popular park behind Lotte World Mall in Songpa District, southern Seoul, as part of the department store’s 10-year anniversary celebrations.
Its creator says the lake’s urban surroundings provide a great sense of whimsy and surrealism for the crowned, bright red crustacean, capturing the humorous spirit that embodies his work.

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Aptly named the "Floating Lobster King," the 16-meter (52-foot) tall installation piece's vivid colors particularly popped against the gray backdrop of high-rise buildings as rain pelted down during its reveal on Friday.
“I thought of a King Kong-type of image,” artist Philip Colbert said of his brainstorming process at a press conference following the opening ceremony for his “Lobster Wonderland” exhibition. The British pop artist has a global following for his flagship lobster creations in sculpture, painting and digital forms.
“I like the idea of a lobster just chilling in the lake, almost as if it’s just paddling around. Obviously, there’s a bit of humor in it — lobsters are from the water but they don’t swim, not in the traditional way. It’s just afloat, relaxing in a very realistic way.”
The red, yellow and blue colors used in the piece elevated the surrealism, Colbert said on his choice of primary colors for the piece.
Philip Colbert's "Pompell Lobster" in front of Lotte World Tower [NEWS1]

Philip Colbert's "Pompell Lobster" in front of Lotte World Tower [NEWS1]

The inflatable lobster is one of the artist’s many colorful installation pieces that have been set up in and around Lotte World Mall and Lotte World Tower as part of the Lobster Wonderland exhibition. Many of them, like the lake’s floatable, feature lobsters lounging about in fantastical costumes that contrast starkly with the city's monotone palette.
With a love of Seoul for its "inspiring spirit, energy and way of thinking," Colbert said he wanted to give back that energy to the audience in a "democratic" place that can be reached by everyone.
“A key core to my philosophy is the belief in the value of everyday imagery. There's been a historical misconception that value is protected and separate from daily life, but I'm interested in the poetry of the everyday, in a language that is accessible to a wide audience,” he said.
Girl group 2NE1 member Sandara Park, right, and British pop media artist Philip Colbert pose for a photo in front of the "Floating Lobster King" on display in Seokchon Lake from Friday to Sept. 26. [YONHAP]

Girl group 2NE1 member Sandara Park, right, and British pop media artist Philip Colbert pose for a photo in front of the "Floating Lobster King" on display in Seokchon Lake from Friday to Sept. 26. [YONHAP]

“Lobster Wonderland” will be open from Friday through Sept. 26, and a smaller exhibition prepared by Colbert consisting of paintings and sculptures — all featuring his iconic lobsters — will be held at the Next Museum exhibition space in Lotte World Mall from Friday to Oct. 13.

BY KIM JU-YEON [kim.juyeon2@joongang.co.kr]
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