Agency of Blackpink's Jennie denies her father is behind fiction featuring the group

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Agency of Blackpink's Jennie denies her father is behind fiction featuring the group

Blackpink's Jennie at the Chanel pop-up store in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul, on July 15. [CHANEL]

Blackpink's Jennie at the Chanel pop-up store in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul, on July 15. [CHANEL]

Blackpink member Jennie's agency Odd Atelier (OA) denied recent rumors claiming that the singer's father has recently published a work of fiction featuring the group and warned of legal measures against those spreading false information.
“We would like to clarify that it is a false information and has absolutely nothing to do with the artist,” the agency said in a statement on Friday.
Rumors have been circulating online suggesting that Jennie's father is the author of a recently released AI piece of fiction that mentions Blackpink.

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This speculation has caused confusion among fans, given that there has been no prior information about her father, and Jennie has consistently emphasized her close relationship with her mother, saying, “My mom and I are our only family.”
"Please be careful about purchasing illegally produced publications and take special precaution to avoid being harmed in this regard,” continued the agency.
OA plans to take legal action against those spreading the rumor.
“We will take legal measures against the rumor distributor on the grounds of denigration and business interference.”
The agency has been actively addressing malicious activities involving defamation, sexual harassment and falsehoods about the artist, it said.
“These are clearly crimes, and we will continue to take strong legal action based on the evidence we have gathered, with no leniency.”
To find out more about Jennie, visit Celeb Confirmed!  

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