North Korea launches more trash balloons for 4th straight day: JCS

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North Korea launches more trash balloons for 4th straight day: JCS

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A fallen trash balloon is seen on a road in Chuncheon, Gangwon, on Saturday. [YONHAP]

A fallen trash balloon is seen on a road in Chuncheon, Gangwon, on Saturday. [YONHAP]

North Korea launched yet another round of trash-laden balloons across the border to South Korea Saturday evening, for the fourth straight day, according to the South Korean military.
“North Korea has again launched trash balloons across the border,” Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said. “These may fall in the Seoul and Gyeonggi regions.”
The JCS warned citizens to take caution of any falling objects and to report fallen balloons to nearest military units or police without touching them.

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North Korea has been sending continued rounds of trash balloons since Wednesday after an almost month-long halt since Aug. 10.
Saturday’s launch marks the fourth day in a row since Wednesday that Pyongyang has sent trash balloons to the South and the 16th overall launch. Trash balloons were previously sent on Wednesday night, Thursday morning and afternoon and Friday afternoon.

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