Buses, subways in Seoul to run until 2 a.m. over Chuseok

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Buses, subways in Seoul to run until 2 a.m. over Chuseok

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People crowd the Seoul Express Bus Terminal in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Sept. 27, 2023, a day ahead of the Chuseok holiday. [NEWS1]

People crowd the Seoul Express Bus Terminal in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Sept. 27, 2023, a day ahead of the Chuseok holiday. [NEWS1]

Buses and subways in Seoul will run until 2 a.m. during the upcoming Chuseok holiday.
The Seoul Metropolitan Government on Monday announced transportation measures to alleviate traffic congestion during the holiday, which runs from Sept. 16 to 18 this year. Including the weekend, the holiday lasts for five days.

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Subways in Seoul will operate until 2 a.m. on Sept. 17, the day of Chuseok, and Sept. 18. This includes subway lines No. 1 through 9, the Ui-Sinseol Line and the Sillim Line.
On the same days, buses passing the three major bus terminals — Seoul Express Bus Terminal, Dong Seoul Terminal and Nambu Bus Terminal — as well as five train stations — Seoul, Yongsan, Yeongdeungpo, Cheongnyangni and Suseo stations — will also be extended until 2 a.m.
Nighttime buses operating from 11:10 p.m. to 6 a.m. will run as usual during the holiday period.
Four intracity buses serving city cemeteries will increase service on these two days.
Bus-only lanes on the Gyeongbu Expressway will operate until 1 a.m., extended from the usual 9 p.m., during the five-day holiday to accommodate travelers returning home by bus.
Meanwhile, the city government said it will crack down on illegally parked cars around train stations and bus stops to prevent traffic congestion during the holiday. Taxis that charge higher-than-usual fares or refuse to provide rides near train stations and bus terminals will also be inspected.

BY CHO JUNG-WOO [cho.jungwoo1@joongang.co.kr]
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