Cheong Wa Dae nighttime events scheduled for Chuseok holiday, more events planned in fall

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Cheong Wa Dae nighttime events scheduled for Chuseok holiday, more events planned in fall

A poster for the nighttime opening of the Blue House. [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM, CHEONG WA DAE FOUNDATION]

A poster for the nighttime opening of the Blue House. [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM, CHEONG WA DAE FOUNDATION]

The government will host a series of events at the Blue House this fall, beginning with the Chuseok holiday.
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, along with the Cheong Wa Dae Foundation, will open the Blue House for nighttime visits from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during the Chuseok holiday season from Sept. 14 to 18.
Reservations for the nighttime opening, titled "LIGHT Cheong Wa Dae," will begin Monday at 2 p.m. on the Cheong Wa Dae website. A total of 2,500 slots will be available each day on a first-come, first-served basis.
Visitors can also enjoy various events, including mini-concerts and autumn nighttime walks during this period.  
A parade, fusion performances of Korean classical music gukak and bands, as well as folk games, will take place at the Blue House helipad and the Chunchugwan building from Sept. 16 to Sept. 18.

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More events will be organized for the fall season.
The country’s largest cultural festival for people with disabilities, “A+Festival,” will be held from Sept. 27 to 29 at the Blue House’s Chunchugwan building, helipad and PR Center.
The National Museum of Korean Literature will present an exhibition at the Chunchugwan building from Sept. 28 to Nov. 24 showcasing rare and valuable Korean literary works.
Throughout October, the Blue House helipad will feature a range of music performances, including K-pop, jazz, gukak and classical music, every weekend. Special nighttime performances are also scheduled for the first and second weeks of October.
Performances by the National High School of Traditional Korean Arts’ Arirang Arts Company and a taekwondo demonstration are scheduled to take place in November.
“We plan to hold more cultural events at the Blue House to create a venue that people will visit again and love,” said an official from the ministry.  

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