Military blocks internal photo access after identifying 24 victims of 'deepfake' digital sex crimes

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Military blocks internal photo access after identifying 24 victims of 'deepfake' digital sex crimes

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The Defense Ministry has identified 24 victims of digital sex crimes using deepfake technology within the military and taken measures such as disabling access to photos on the military's internal server to prevent additional crimes, the ministry announced Monday.
“We have operated a task force led by the vice minister to respond to deepfake sex crimes since Aug. 29 and are checking related cases and the overall situation daily,” the Defense Ministry said.
Deepfake technology — a portmanteau of "deep learning" and the word "fake" — uses AI to synthesize new images and videos from existing images. Deepfake videos using photos of everyday women to create pornography have recently spread among schools and institutions nationwide, causing much public uproar.
A Telegram chatroom targeting female soldiers is reportedly in operation.

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The Defense Ministry has identified and confirmed 24 victims within the military through the task force's work so far. According to the ministry, the task force has reported the cases to the police and also contacted support organizations to delete the videos. Support measures such as counseling, medical and legal assistance, and temporary leave for victim protection and recovery are being implemented.
“We have created special prevention education materials related to deepfake sex crimes and will complete special education for all soldiers and military personnel hosted by commanders before Chuseok,” the Defense Ministry said. ”We have also completed measures to disable the photo information inquiry function that may be criminally abused along with other personal information on the military's internal network. The military has also designated a special period emphasizing the reporting of deepfake sex crimes until October.”

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