Kids learn to make songpyeon ahead of Chuseok harvest holiday

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Kids learn to make songpyeon ahead of Chuseok harvest holiday

Volunteers and children in hanbok, or traditional Korean dress, make songpyeon (a moon-shaped Korean traditional rice cake) at an administrative welfare center in Buk District, Gwangju, on Tuesday, almost a week before the Chuseok harvest holiday begins. [BUK DISTRICT OFFICE]

Volunteers and children in hanbok, or traditional Korean dress, make songpyeon (a moon-shaped Korean traditional rice cake) at an administrative welfare center in Buk District, Gwangju, on Tuesday, almost a week before the Chuseok harvest holiday begins. [BUK DISTRICT OFFICE]

Volunteers and children in hanbok, or traditional Korean dress, make songpyeon (a moon-shaped Korean traditional rice cake) at an administrative welfare center in Buk District, Gwangju, on Tuesday, almost a week before the Chuseok harvest holiday begins.

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