Parcels, packages primed for posting this Chuseok

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Parcels, packages primed for posting this Chuseok

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Workers sort parcels at the East Seoul Post and Logistics Center in Gwangjin District, eastern Seoul, on Tuesday, a week before the Chuseok harvest festival holiday. [YONHAP]

Workers sort parcels at the East Seoul Post and Logistics Center in Gwangjin District, eastern Seoul, on Tuesday, a week before the Chuseok harvest festival holiday. [YONHAP]

Workers sort parcels at the East Seoul Post and Logistics Center in Gwangjin District, eastern Seoul, on Tuesday, a week before the Chuseok harvest festival holiday. 
Korea Post estimates that around 19.25 million parcels will be posted for Chuseok this year. Its employees began emergency shifts on Sept. 2, which will continue through Sept. 20. This year's Chuseok holiday falls between Sept. 16 and 18.

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