Hyundai, Kia offer free car inspections ahead of Chuseok

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Hyundai, Kia offer free car inspections ahead of Chuseok

Technicians inspect cars in the parking lot of Daegu's Suseong-gu Sports Center on Tuesday as part of a free car inspection event ahead of the Chuseok harvest festival. [YONHAP]

Technicians inspect cars in the parking lot of Daegu's Suseong-gu Sports Center on Tuesday as part of a free car inspection event ahead of the Chuseok harvest festival. [YONHAP]

Technicians inspect cars in the parking lot of Daegu's Suseong-gu Sports Center on Tuesday as part of a free car inspection event ahead of the Chuseok harvest festival holiday.
The Korea Automobile & Mobility Association announced Monday that five automakers, including Hyundai Motor, Kia, GM Korea, Renault Korea and KG Mobility, would provide free vehicle checkups at over 1,000 service centers nationwide ahead of the upcoming holiday.
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